How the Dacxi Chain will fix the broken crowdfunding system.
Crowdfunding is a brilliant concept, with the potential to bring billions of dollars in funding to…
May 2, 2022
How the Dacxi Chain will break down the 3 biggest barriers to investing.
Getting in on the next big thing is the holy grail for investors, because that’s where the hyper…
April 1, 2022
How the Dacxi Chain is using tokenization to create a better crowdfunding system.
The concept of crowdfunding is nothing new. The first known equity based crowdfunding platform –…
March 25, 2022
How the world’s first global tokenized crowdfunding system will connect entrepreneurs and investors.
Created by global fintech company, Dacxi, the Dacxi Chain is the world’s first global tokenized…
March 10, 2022
Rewriting the Future of Investing: The origin story of the Dacxi Chain
The Dacxi Chain’s story began in May 2017, at the world’s first Token Summit in New York. This…
February 1, 2022